2 Secrets Financial Advisors Need to Create Captivating Content That Generates Results

By Graeme Mills, Content Manager for Simplicity Lone Beacon. The reason you create and share content—whether it's videos, articles, webinars, web copy, ads, or other forms of content—is to establish and re-establish a connection between you and your clients and prospects. The two key concepts to do that are in [...]

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Evaluating Your Marketing Strategy: A Guide for Financial Advisors

By Kasey Dean, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Senior Director of Accounts.   In today's digital age, marketing has become an indispensable tool for financial advisors to grow their client base and strengthen their brand presence against their competitors. There is a plethora of strategies and insights out there that can help [...]

Published Article: How Financial Advisors Can Optimize Their Email Newsletters

By Marcus Roth, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Senior Director of Data, Automation & Content And Andrew Preshong, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Email Marketing Manager This article originally appeared on WealthManagement.com To continually optimize advisors’ email marketing efforts, The email marketing team at Simplicity Lone Beacon conducted a study to discover which email [...]

How Understanding MQLs and SQLs Can Improve Your Financial Advisory Business

By Mike Schaffman, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Vice President of Sales and Marketing. As a financial advisor, it's essential to recognize that not all prospects are alike. Understanding the different types of prospects is pivotal in tailoring your processes and conversations, providing a superior experience, and elevating your likelihood of securing [...]

10 Tips for Financial Advisors’ Marketing Operations

Image: Freepik.com By Ben Kulis, Simplicity Lone Beacon’s Operations Manager  No matter the industry, marketing departments are under constant pressure to deliver results while juggling multiple projects, campaigns, and deadlines. This is also true for advisors. Setting up efficient workflows is the key to thriving in today’s ever-changing [...]

Successful Email Subject Lines: Analyzing 2,700 Email Deployments 

Written by Andrew Preshong, Email Marketing Manager at Simplicity Lone Beacon, and edited by Marcus Roth, Senior Director of Email Marketing, Automation, and Content at Simplicity Lone Beacon.   To continually optimize our email marketing efforts, Simplicity Lone Beacon embarked on a challenge to discover which email subject lines are [...]

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Tracking Client and Prospect Engagement: Finding Leads You May Have Missed

By Mike Schaffman, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Vice President of Sales and Marketing.    We’ve got bad news: you’re probably missing out on a huge source of potential leads. But we also have good news: we can show you how to find those leads, get those leads in the seat across [...]

Be The Boneless Wing of Your Industry

By: Kirby G Mack (Vice President of Digital Media) Historically, chicken wings were the less desirable, cheap alternative meal due to the lack of meat, chewy cartilage, and higher fat content. But in the 1960s that all changed. In 1964 at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York, co-owner Teressa [...]

2024-02-23T20:41:05+00:00February 23, 2024|Advertising, Brand Building, Marketing|

Published Article: Take The Time To Adopt Your Client’s Perspective

By Marcus Roth, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Senior Director of Data, Automation & Content. This article originally appeared on WealthManagement.com I learned a valuable lesson from a friend who would be considered a model prospect for any financial advisor. He recently changed advisors and made his decision on this factor: client [...]

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Email Marketing and Copy Writing for Financial Advisors: When to Use Long-Form Content

By Marcus Roth, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Senior Director of Data, Automation & Content. Certain prospects value different features when shopping for an advisor. But there are mostly just two types of prospects: convenience-based and strategic, tactical.   The convenience-based prospects really don’t want, or care, to know HOW the financial world [...]

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