The Importance of Correctly Titling Your Marketing Content

Tablet search engine system screen By Marcus Roth, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Senior Director of Data, Automation & Content. Like it or not, the titles of your content are not meant for you, they're meant for your audience and search engines. It’s a different story if you’re writing a [...]

Why Your Marketing Campaigns Lag: Ads Versus SEO

By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media. Do you have a radio or a TV show? Are you running ads on radio and TV programs? Are you not seeing the results that you expected from them? If you’re not seeing the results, the reason may not be [...]

How to Reengage the Unengaged in Your Sales and Marketing Database

By Marcus Roth, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Senior Director of Data, Automation & Content. In my experience guiding successful email campaigns to unengaged contacts in their sales database, I’ve noticed that financial advisors treat the task like they’re being forced to eat their vegetables or take out the trash. On more than [...]

Empathy and Privacy Cross Paths on Your Customer’s Journey

By Mike Schaffman, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Our digital world is continuing to evolve all around us, and while technology has certainly made things easier, it has also made everything more complex.  When we think about the customer journey and all its different stages, our [...]

2023-02-22T17:21:34+00:00February 22, 2023|Advertising, Blogs, Campaigns, Digital Leads, Digital Marketing, Marketing|

Published Article: How to Reach the Next Generation of Retirees

  By Craig Foster, Director of Media. This article originally appeared on A few weeks back, I wrote about how Generation X is the forgotten generation that financial advisors should remember. In general terms, I mentioned the importance of targeting Gen X, why they are good prospects for financial advisors, [...]

Published Article: Five Must-Haves for Financial Advisor Websites

  This article originally appeared on Coming from a background as a professional wrestler and designing the silliest of logos—even a logo for a wrestler named “Dashing Rock Ripper”—the financial advisor design spectrum can come across as limited. However, it doesn’t have to.

Published Article: Why Your Emails Need to Focus

Originally appeared in One email. One topic Imagine you’re walking down a quaint, city street and you hear music from buskers around the corner. Maybe you heard one musician playing a tune or melody, or a few in harmony as a band, working together in concert to delight their wandering [...]

Making Your Marketing Commitment in 2023 and Beyond

Source: Image by on Freepik. By Mike Schaffman, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Vice President of Sales and Marketing. According to a recent survey performed by Broadridge analyzing advisory data from 2021 to 2022, the average per-prospect cost of winning new business rose by 3.3%, while the number [...]

2023-02-08T13:52:36+00:00February 7, 2023|Advertising, Blogs, Campaigns, Digital Leads, Digital Marketing, Marketing|

Financial Advisors on TikTok: Can It Work? 

By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media. If you’ve kept up on the world of social media, you are going to hear a lot of talk about TikTok, both good and bad. With TikTok as one of the fastest-growing social media sites, financial advisors might be tempted [...]

The Importance of Feeding the Beast: A Brief Look into Maintaining an Email Newsletter

      By Marcus Roth, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Senior Director of Data, Automation & Content. Many financial advisor businesses are unaware of the attrition amongst their prospects over a year. Through opt-outs and outdated email lists in your sales funnel, you could be marketing to countless unqualified leads. As a [...]

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