The StoryBrand Framework: The Secret to Marketing Success for Financial Advisors

Written by Marcus Roth, Senior Director of Email Marketing, Automation, and Content at Simplicity Lone Beacon.   In today’s competitive financial advisory landscape, it is crucial to stand out by building meaningful connections with potential clients. One powerful method is leveraging the StoryBrand framework by Donald Miller. The core philosophy [...]

Published Article: Why Financial Advisors Should Never Buy Email Lists

  Get smart about engaging with the next set of retirees.   By Marcus Roth, Senior Director of Email, Automation, and Content. This article originally appeared on   Buying an email list in 2022 no longer has a reasonable benefit when compared with the litany of downsides that come [...]

TCJ: The Customer Journey – Episode 2 – Database Gold Mining Just about anyone can click the send button and get an email out to their database. But is it thoughtful, original, and engaging content? Is every behavior along the customer journey being tracked and scored in real-time? Watch Simplicity Lone Beacon’s newest TCJ (The Customer Journey) episode as Greg [...]

Are You Turning Your Data Into Revenue?

Many companies take a macro view of Google Analytics: They may look at how many people visit their website, and maybe even how long they are staying on a particular page. While this type of information means something, most companies are not collecting and analyzing enough data points to best [...]

2021-12-13T16:07:14+00:00November 19, 2021|Business Metrics, Digital Marketing, enewsletter|

First Party Data: Get in the Game!

At Simplicity Lone Beacon, we’re in the business of first party data. We help manufacture and nurture databases filled with first party data for our most successful advisors and institutions. Check out John Capuano's latest video below to learn more about what first party data is, how to get it [...]

2021-12-13T16:07:06+00:00November 18, 2021|enewsletter, Vlogs|
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