The StoryBrand Framework: The Secret to Marketing Success for Financial Advisors

Written by Marcus Roth, Senior Director of Email Marketing, Automation, and Content at Simplicity Lone Beacon.   In today’s competitive financial advisory landscape, it is crucial to stand out by building meaningful connections with potential clients. One powerful method is leveraging the StoryBrand framework by Donald Miller. The core philosophy [...]

  • Why do most digital lead platforms fail?

Published Article: Why Do Most Digital Lead Platforms Fail?

  By John Capuano, Co-Founder of Simplicity Lone Beacon. This article originally appeared on For marketing companies like ours and our clients, success is measured by the ability to generate, evaluate, nurture and close leads. And for the most part, that means digital leads. The perceived success or failure of [...]

Published Article: How Financial Advisors Can Connect with Gen X

  By Craig Foster, Director of Digital Media at Simplicity Lone Beacon. This article originally appeared on Generation X is a crucial customer base for financial advisors and their firms’ future growth. I have written several articles about how the Generation X demographic is a major opportunity for financial advisors, [...]

How Do AI-Generated Ads Compare to Human-Written Ads?

By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media.   Everywhere you look these days you see people talking about Artificial Intelligence or AI. They talk about the use of programs like ChatGPT to write articles, school papers, and more. And that brings up the question for financial advisors [...]

Why Your Marketing Campaigns Lag: Ads Versus SEO

By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media. Do you have a radio or a TV show? Are you running ads on radio and TV programs? Are you not seeing the results that you expected from them? If you’re not seeing the results, the reason may not be [...]

Financial Advisors on TikTok: Can It Work? 

By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media. If you’ve kept up on the world of social media, you are going to hear a lot of talk about TikTok, both good and bad. With TikTok as one of the fastest-growing social media sites, financial advisors might be tempted [...]

Your Next Marketing Strategy? Hello YouTube 

  By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media. As we start off 2023, you may be thinking about fresh new ways to upgrade your business. Well, have you thought about what your strategy for YouTube is and how you will execute it? At Simplicity Lone Beacon, we’ve worked [...]

Published Article: Without Digital Technology, Your Financial Advisory Firm May Be Stuck in the Stone Age

  By Simplicity Lone Beacon Co-Founder John Capuano. This article originally appeared on There are still firms in the financial industry that are barely dipping their toe into the digital space. The notion that engaging in digital is an option and not a necessity today is dangerous. Whether we [...]

How to Reach the Next Generation of Retirees

  By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media. A few weeks back, I wrote about how Generation X is the forgotten generation that financial advisors should remember. In general terms, I mentioned the importance of targeting Gen X, why they are good prospects for financial advisors, where [...]

Generation X – The Forgotten Generation Financial Advisors Should Remember

  Image by on Freepik By Craig Foster, Simplicity Lone Beacon's Director of Digital Media. Generation X (Gen X) to many people is the forgotten generation that falls between the Baby Boomers and Millennials. But this is a generation that is now entering the prime years for [...]

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