The End of Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer has been a staple of many people’s internet browsing experiences since its launch in 1995. For many, the first time they ever explored the internet was through Internet Explorer. The iconic logo is immediately recognizable the world over and has perhaps graced more desktops than any other icon [...]

2022-06-17T21:14:38+00:00June 17, 2022|News & Updates, Web Design|

Big Changes to Email Marketing in iOS 15

By Marcus Roth, Senior Director of Data, Automation & Content The Problem and How The World Is Affected: Apple iOS 15 changes have been officially rolled out and have begun to effect all Apple devices using the Mail app. Since most Apple users utilize the Mail app to view their [...]

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Simplicity Lone Beacon Proudly Expands Partnership with Act On

Simplicity Lone Beacon is widely known as the nation’s preeminent marketing automation firm in the financial industry and we’ve expanded our partnership with one of America’s leading software companies, Act-On.  Not only are we recognized by Act-On as a “go-to-market” partner, but they have recently created custom software enhancements exclusive [...]

2021-08-26T18:36:02+00:00January 28, 2021|News & Updates|
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