• TCJ Timing is everything

TCJ Episode 27: Timing is Everything

In this week's episode of The Customer Journey, Mike and Greg will talk about the importance timing has when it comes to turning a prospect into a client. The biggest decision a pre-retiree can make is what financial advisor they're going to trust with the nest-egg that they've [...]

2024-05-09T17:56:27+00:00May 9, 2024|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|

TCJ Episode 26: Structuring a Call to Action

In our last episode of #TheCustomerJourney, Greg and Mike talked about the different types of prospects that financial advisors encounter and how each should be handled. In today's episode, they'll break down how you can best structure your calls-to-action (CTA) for each of these leads, to give [...]

2024-04-18T19:49:08+00:00April 18, 2024|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|

Financial Advisors: You Don’t Have a Lead Problem, You Have a Closing Problem

How much would you charge your #1 competitor for your last 50 unclosed leads...that you paid for? Now if you were coaching someone who just paid a bunch of money for prospects, what sales advice would you give them? And would you take your own advice? We’ve worked [...]

2024-04-03T20:43:48+00:00April 3, 2024|Digital Marketing, Practice Management, Vlogs|

TCJ Episode 25: Are You Treating All Prospects the Same?

Not every prospect is the same. As a financial advisor, you must know how to identify the different kinds of prospects so you can adjust your processes/conversations to give them the best experience. In the most recent episode of The Customer Journey, Greg and Mike will identify [...]

2024-03-27T14:56:49+00:00March 27, 2024|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|
  • The customer journey video series covering tracking client and prospect engagement

TCJ Episode 24: Tracking Client and Prospect Engagement

Do you want to have a better handle on your financial advisory's client and prospect engagement? Tracking and analyzing these metrics is critical to making the most of your campaigns. On this week's episode of The Customer Journey, Mike and Greg discuss tracking client and prospect engagement. [...]

2024-02-05T21:53:31+00:00February 5, 2024|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|
  • Turn customers into prospecting tools

TCJ Episode 23: Clients Can Be Your Best Prospecting Source

Finding innovative avenues for growth is paramount. One often overlooked goldmine is right at your fingertips - your existing customers. Our latest video delves into the transformative concept of viewing customers not just as patrons but as integral partners in your prospecting journey. Your customers are more than [...]

2024-01-04T18:40:51+00:00January 4, 2024|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|
  • Branding and brand differentiation

TCJ Episode 22: Branding and Brand Differentiators for Financial Advisors

As a financial advisor, it's critical that you understand branding and brand differentiators. Making them work for you can be the difference between an effective and ineffectual growth strategy. On this week's episode of The Customer Journey, Mike and Greg discuss how advisors can improve their branding techniques. [...]

2023-12-06T14:59:59+00:00December 6, 2023|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|
  • The Customer Journey Telling Versus Selling

TCJ Episode 21: Telling Versus Selling

On this week's episode of The Customer Journey, Mike and Greg discuss how advisors can improve their relationships with their customers by actively listening. If you’re talking at someone more than truly addressing their wants and needs you may be Telling more than Selling. There is a difference and [...]

2023-09-29T13:53:25+00:00September 24, 2023|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|

TCJ Episode 20: What It Means To Be Professionally Informal

Welcome to Episode 20 of The Customer Journey! Last week, Mike and Greg talked about the major disconnect between an advisor and a prospect which was understanding their wants and needs. This week, they'll talk about what it means to be professionally informal during the customer journey. Relationships [...]

2023-08-04T18:48:09+00:00August 4, 2023|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|
  • The Customer Journey Episode 19

TCJ Episode 19: The Major Disconnect Between An Advisor and Prospect

Join Mike and Greg as they delve into the major disconnect between financial advisors and prospects. They'll explore what financial advisors want and need from their prospects, and equally important, what consumers are seeking in a prospective advisor. To bridge the gap and establish a deeper connection, it's [...]

2023-07-06T20:52:09+00:00July 6, 2023|Marketing, Practice Management, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|
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