10 Steps to Take Before Your Next Retirement Event

Event leads are a critical part of any financial advisor or institution’s external marketing initiatives, and among the most popular ways to get eyeball-to-eyeball with prospects to show them your expertise and convince them to do business with you. We’ve discussed why event leads are some of the hottest leads [...]

2022-07-15T15:22:06+00:00July 15, 2022|Digital Marketing, Event Marketing|

TCJ Episode 7: Ranking the Top 5 Hottest Leads for Advisors – Live Events

Over the course of the coming weeks, Mike & Greg will continue ranking their top 5 hottest types of prospect leads that advisors receive, and how specific marketing strategies built around each one can generate more revenue. Event leads are a critical part of any financial advisor or institution's external [...]

2022-12-20T21:55:58+00:00March 18, 2022|Event Marketing, Lead Generation, TCJ, Videos, Vlogs|

The New Era of Event Lead Aggregation

Dinner seminars and workshops have been a staple of the financial world to attract new clients for ages, and while the global pandemic may have caused some disruptions, forward thinking financial advisors and institutions changed the way they marketed them, focusing more on digital marketing instead of solely relying on [...]

2022-02-23T18:53:24+00:00February 11, 2022|Blogs, Digital Marketing, Event Marketing, Marketing|
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