Published Article: The Customer Journey and its Impact on Your Revenue

  Properly defining your target market and leveraging data to engage them are more important than ever.   By Mike Schaffman,  VP of Sales and Marketing. This article originally appeared on   The financial industry is very much in-tune with the correlations that exist between the stock market and [...]

2024-03-25T21:34:29+00:00September 29, 2022|Advertising, Marketing, Published Articles, Sales,|

Published Article: If You Want to Achieve a Big Goal, Start at the End

  By Simplicity Lone Beacon Co-Founder Greg Dinetz. This article originally appeared on Setting big goals is wonderful, but without strategy and execution, your chances of achieving them are left much more to chance and luck. It may seem counterintuitive, but to give yourself a better chance of achieving [...]

2024-03-25T21:36:07+00:00September 19, 2022|Advertising, Marketing, Published Articles,|

Published Article: Want to Scale Your Firm? Pass this Top 10 Checklist First

  By Simplicity Lone Beacon Co-Founder John Capuano. This article originally appeared on It all comes down to putting in the work to make it succeed. These days, it’s hard to get away from the chatter about “scaling your practice.” It’s a huge driver of the “fear of missing [...]

Published Article: The Facts About Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors

By Simplicity Lone Beacon Co-Founder John Capuano. This article originally appeared on Attention, financial industry—it’s time to invest in your own future! You might have noticed your prospects and clients are glued to smartphones. So, why is the industry that wants people to invest “for the long term” so quick to [...]

Published Article: How Baby Boomer Clients View Themselves and Their Futures

By Simplicity Lone Beacon Co-Founder John Capuano. This article originally appeared on The more we understand the behavior and sentiments of consumers, the more we can connect with them. This is particularly true, but often misunderstood in the financial planning industry. Simplicity Lone Beacon conducts consumer surveys designed specifically [...]

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